TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme 2022 – Apply Online, Pads Delivery

Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme in Tamil Nadu, 2022, (for Women, Pads Delivery, Dignity Kit, Eligibility, Documents, Apply Online)

The TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme is waiting to be launched by Tamil Nadu government aiming to improve women menstrual hygiene. The main concern is for the poor women in the urban areas and offer free sanitary napkins to them. The government examined the proposal given by the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine for the good of the women in the state. Read on to know more about other details of the scheme that will help the beneficiaries to avail of the perks easily.

tamil nadu free sanitary napkin scheme

TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme 2022

Name of the scheme  TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme 2020
Beneficiaries of scheme  Women of urban areas in Tamil Nadu
Objective of scheme launch  Offer free sanitary pads
Financial help sanctioned by state government  Rupees 44.15 crores
Department to sanction proposal  Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Scheme has been launched by Tamil Nadu state government
Official Website NA
Helpdesk NA

TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme Features

Main idea of scheme launch –

The main idea of scheme launch is to offer free sanitary pads to women in urban areas.

Beneficiaries of scheme –

Women belonging to rural areas to help them maintain menstrual hygiene.

Extension of scheme –

The free sanitary pad scheme will be extended for another 9 years and rupees 44 crores have been given for it

Total financial help

The state government has given a total of rupees 34.74 crores along with rupees 9.4 crores for successful implementation of the scheme and offer sanitary pads to a wide range of women across different age groups

TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme Pads Delivery

  • As per rules of Free Sanitary Pad Scheme in Tamil Nadu, the sanitary pads will be given directly to government schools to be given to the girls.
  • After the distribution, acknowledgement would be given by the urban nurse from the health department.
  • The health nurses in the urban area were given the responsibility to visit the ICDS along with Anganwadi workers every Saturday.
  • For girls who are not part of the schools will be given the health kits by the Urban Health Nurses and Anganwadi workers
  • The kits will also be given to postnatal mothers by the health nurses
  • The above said scheme in Tamil Nadu will cover up for almost 1,000 health centres of metro cities including other schools in Tamil Nadu.

TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme Dignity Kits

  • The dignity kits will be given to students under the scheme
  • The kits will contain sanitary pads and other hygienic its that would help the local women and girls living in rural areas and some urban areas
  • This would help to offer generic hygiene of urban women

Therefore, the main idea is to help maintain proper hygiene to the women in their productive age.

TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme Eligibility

Residential details –

As the scheme will be launched in Tamil Nadu, only the permanent residents of the state are eligible for the scheme benefits

Income details –

The women or girls who wish to get free sanitary pads need to furnish suitable income details of their family

Age limit –

There are certain age limit and it is 10 to 49 age group for women belonging to urban area to get free napkins

TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme Documents

Income certificate –

The candidates should furnish suitable annual income certificate of family to let the higher authority scrutiny it such that they are eligible for the scheme

Identification details –

As suitable identification one should produce Aadhaar card, voter ID card and equivalent options to justify that they are the natives of the state. In addition, the age should be justified to avail of the scheme benefits

Residential documents –

The residential documents need to be produced at the time of registering for the scheme to justify that they are the natives of the state

TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme Official Website

No any official website to be launch right now.

TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme Online Application

As this scheme is yet to be launched by the state government, the high authority has not suggested any mode of application. In addition, the portal is yet to be decided and as soon as it comes up the beneficiaries selected will be the first to know about it. This is sure to help women maintain suitable menstrual hygiene irrespective of the financial condition. This will help improve health for women across different age groups.

TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme Helpdesk

No any helpdesk number right now, but will be soon.


Q : What is the name of the scheme ?

Ans : TN Free Sanitary Napkin Scheme 2020.

Q : Who are the beneficiaries of the scheme ?

Ans : Women belonging to rural and urban areas.

Q : Who will launch the scheme ?

Ans : Tamil Nadu state government.

Q : What is the age limit for the scheme ?

Q : What is the financial help offered by the state government ?

Ans : Rupees 44.15 crores.

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